Confident executive coach

Why Coaches and Consultants Need to Start Mastering LinkedIn Before 2025

How to Build Your Authority Brand in 90 Days

The countdown towards the end of another year has begun. As we approach the end of 2024, many coaches and consultants are starting to feel the pressure of meeting their year-end financial goals.

The reality is, the clock is ticking, and without a strategic plan in place for acquiring high-ticket clients and maintaining a consistent pipeline of high-quality leads, you risk starting 2025 already behind the curve.

But here’s the good news—there’s still time to transform your business by mastering LinkedIn, establishing your Authority Brand, and building a consistent lead flow to cash flow pipeline in the next 90 days!

In this post, we’re diving deep into why high-ticket coaches and consultants need to focus on LinkedIn right now, how the Authority Brand Formula™ can help you attract high-ticket clients without stressing yourself out, and the role of using AI and automation in creating a sustainable business.

By implementing these strategies, you’ll set yourself up for a powerful start to create a lead flow system that generates cash flow for you in 2025.

The Authority Brand Formula™: Your Blueprint for Success

Most coaches and consultants who sell high-ticket services think that optimizing their LinkedIn profile is all about a professional headshot, a catchy headline, and a polished bio. Sure, those things matter, but let’s be real —they’re just the tip of the iceberg.

Authority branding is where the magic happens for you on LinkedIn. Authority branding is what truly sets you apart from all of the other coaches and consultants swimming around in the LinkedIn Ocean.
Chareen Goodman, Business Coach

When you embrace Authority branding as a coach or consultant, your LinkedIn profile transforms from a mere static resume into a dynamic masterpiece of your expertise and value. You’re no longer perceived as just “another executive coach” in the crowd; you transform into becoming “The Executive Coach” that potential clients can’t resist reaching out to for solutions.

You Are the Art of Your Business. The David in the Stone.

I like sharing this statement with my clients to help them recognize that as the David in the Stone, they need to carve out for themselves how they want to be seen, known, and positioned as an expert in their niche.

Being an Authority brand is about crafting an image that resonates with your ideal client, showcasing not only what you do but why you do it —and why they should care.

Think about it: when someone lands on your LinkedIn profile, they should immediately feel like they’ve found someone who understands their pain points and has the answers they are looking for and need.

Authority branding allows you to communicate that effectively. It’s more than just looking good online; it’s about building trust and credibility that draws clients in like moths to a flame.

At the heart of building an Authority brand on LinkedIn is the Authority Brand Formula™: (B + O + C) x (E x 3) / T

Let’s break it down:

  • B stands for Branding – Authority branding starts with how you position yourself on LinkedIn. Your brand should communicate who you help, how you help them, and why you are the go-to expert in your niche. Your brand is not just about what you do —it’s about the transformation you bring.
  • O stands for Optimization Optimization is the next critical piece of the Authority Brand Formula™. Here is where you turn your LinkedIn profile into a client-attracting system. Your profile needs to function as a lead flow magnet, not just a static page.
  • C stands for Content – Once you have a compelling brand and an optimized profile, the focus should shift to developing regular, high-quality content. This is crucial for establishing your reputation as a thought leader. Content acts as the driving force behind your Authority branding, allowing you to share valuable insights and position yourself as the expert that everyone turns to in your niche.
  • E stands for Engagement – To maximize the impact of your Branding, Optimization, and Content, you need to multiply your engagement using the Triad of Engagement™ (E x 3). Comments, Connection Requests, and Direct Messages (DMs). Engagement is how you connect with your audience and is the engine that drives LinkedIn’s algorithm and your lead flow pipeline.
  • T stands for Time – This is the crucial factor. Time is not just about how long you’ve been on LinkedIn, but how committed you are and how efficient you are at managing your time to execute your branding and lead flow strategy. Consistent, persistent, and sustainable efforts are required, but having a system helps.

The Authority Brand Formula™ ensures that every piece of your Authority brand building and LinkedIn client acquisition strategy works together, multiplying your efforts for exponential growth.

Mastering and implementing this formula within the next 90 days will position you as an authority in your niche and help you in setting up your pipeline of high-ticket clients for 2025.

Attracting High-Ticket Clients on LinkedIn (Without the Stress)

Let’s be real. The holy grail for any coach or consultant is landing high-ticket clients —those who see the value in what you offer and are willing to invest in your expertise.

But here’s the thing: high-ticket clients don’t come from hustling and burning yourself out. They come from you having a strategic approach that positions you as the authority in your niche in order to acquire the right clients.

Here’s how to use the Authority Brand Formula™ for LinkedIn to attract high-ticket clients without stressing:

1. Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile for Authority

Your LinkedIn profile is your online showcase, and high-ticket clients need to know, from the first glance, that you’re the expert they need.

This means:

  • Craft a compelling headline that speaks to the the solution you provide, not just your title as a coach or consultant.
  • Write an About section that tells the story of the pain points you solve and how you deliver measurable results.
  • Highlight client success stories and testimonials that prove your authority.

2. Create Thought Leadership Content

High-ticket clients aren’t looking for general advice—they want a thought leader who has a deep understanding of their industry, pains, and challenges and someone who can provide insights that deliver real change.

Your content needs to:

  • Provide actionable insights that showcase your expertise.
  • Focus on solving high-level problems that your high-ticket clients are struggling with.
  • Be consistent in output so that you stay top-of-mind when your audience is ready to take action.

So, create high-value content that speaks directly to your audience’s biggest challenges and you’ll position yourself as a credible source and the authority they trust.

3. Engage with Intention

Many coaches and consultants waste a lot of time scrolling through LinkedIn without a purpose. It’s a wonder why so many are burnt out and skeptical about using LinkedIn to get quality leads.

Your LinkedIn engagement strategy should be intentional.

High-ticket clients are looking for someone who is active, engaged, and above all present in the conversations they show up in, which are happening in your niche. It’s time to go from invisible to visible on LinkedIn if you want to reach your ideal clients.

This means:

  • Responding thoughtfully to comments on your posts.
  • Engaging in meaningful conversations with other people who fit your ideal client profile and other thought leaders.
  • Sharing insights that deepen your audience’s understanding of your expertise.
The Triad of Engagement™
The Triad of Engagement™

By engaging intentionally, you build relationships and trust, the key factors in attracting high-ticket clients.

Automating Lead Generation to Avoid Burnout

One of the biggest pitfalls for coaches and consultants is burnout —the constant cycle of creating content, reaching out to potential clients, following up, and trying to maintain momentum.

The solution? Automate your lead generation.

1. Set Up LinkedIn Automations

Automation tools like LinkedIn Sales Navigator and AI-driven systems can help streamline your outreach and lead generation. Instead of spending hours manually searching for leads, you can use automation tools to:

  • Identify ideal clients based on specific filters (such as industry, role, or location).
  • Automate personalized connection requests to potential leads.
  • Set up follow-up DM sequences to nurture leads through the funnel without having to lift a finger.

2. Automate Content Scheduling

You don’t need to be glued to LinkedIn 24/7 to be effective. Use tools like Taplio so you can schedule your thought leadership content in advance. This allows you to:

  • Stay consistent with your posting schedule without burning out.
  • Focus your time on higher-level strategies like client work or building your offers.

3. Automate Engagement Tracking

Instead of manually tracking every interaction, look at your LinkedIn numbers, checkk out your Taplio stats, or use tools like Shield Analytics to monitor your engagement levels, track the performance of your content, and see where you’re gaining the most traction.

This data allows you to refine your strategy and focus on what’s working, without spending hours analyzing metrics.

By automating your lead generation and content strategies efforts, you can free up valuable time to focus on growing your Authority brand and serving your clients.

Implement a System Now for a Strong Start in 2025

What truly distinguishes successful coaches from those who find themselves struggling year after year? The answer lies in the power of Systems, Strategies, and Structures —the 3S’s.

Having a well-defined system in place allows you to streamline your processes, making it easier to manage your time and focus on what truly matters —building relationships and acquiring clients.

A solid strategy helps you identify your targeted audience and get clear on your ideal client profile on LinkedIn, so you can fully understand what resonates with them, ensuring that your outreach efforts are both effective and efficient.

Finally, establishing a clear structure gives you the framework to consistently create and share valuable content, engage with your connections, and follow up with potential clients. Structure helps transform your LinkedIn into a well-oiled machine.

For example, here are three structures I use and teach my clients in my Authority Brand Accelerator™ program.

1. The Ripple Marketing Method™

This is one of the core frameworks we use in the Authority Brand Accelerator™. The Ripple Marketing Method™ ensures that your marketing strategies start from a core offer and ripple outward, ensuring that every touchpoint with your audience drives them closer to becoming a client. By implementing this method, you’ll set up a consistent marketing engine that fuels your lead flow into 2025.

2. The R.O.I. of Lead Flow™

The R.O.I. of Lead Flow™ is not just about generating leads —it’s about generating qualified leads that leverage referrals, outbound leads, and inbound leads to maximize your results. By optimizing your lead generation now, you’ll set the foundation for consistent cash flow in the new year.

3. The DM to Deal Method™

This method focuses on converting direct messages (DMs) into client deals. By refining your approach to messaging and engagement, you’ll be able to turn casual LinkedIn conversations into high-ticket sales conversions.

It’s not about cold selling —it’s about building trust through consistent, value-driven engagement.

By implementing the 3S’s, you’re not just preparing for a profitable new year; you’re setting yourself up for on-going success in your coaching or consulting business.

It’s A Wrap!

Why you need the Authority Brand Formula™ now. You see, as we approach the end of the year, there’s no better time than the present moment to focus on your Authority branding.

High-ticket clients are actively looking for experts who can help them navigate the challenges of 2025. The Authority Brand Formula™ gives you the structure and clarity you need to position yourself as the expert they’re seeking.

Don’t wait to establish your authority presence, optimize your LinkedIn profile, or create a lead flow system. The longer you delay, the more opportunities —and clients —you’ll miss.

Start implementing the Authority Brand Formula™ now, and watch your LinkedIn profile transform from overlooked to overbooked.

The Time to Act is NOW

The truth is, if you wait until 2025 to start building your Authority brand, you’ll already be behind all of the other coaches and consultants who took action.

Let’s face it! The coaches and consultants who dominate LinkedIn next year are the ones who are putting in the work now —building their authority, creating a lead flow pipeline, and positioning themselves through thought-leadership content as the go-to experts in their niche.

The next 90 days are critical. By mastering LinkedIn and implementing the Authority Brand Formula™, you’ll not only finish 2024 strong, but you’ll set yourself up for consistent lead flow and high-ticket clients well into 2025.

Consider joining the Authority Brand Accelerator™ program and get yourself into a position to start generating consistent lead flow in 90 days. Click now and Book a LinkedIn Growth Consultation Call.

Chareen Goodman
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How the Authority Brand Formula™ Brings Predictable, High-Quality Clients to Your LinkedIn
Chareen Goodman

Hello there! I'm Chareen Goodman, your go-to Strategic Business Coach. I specialize in guiding coaches, consultants, and niche-experts on the path to creating a successful online business, regardless of their prior business experience. My dedication and enthusiasm lie in helping my clients navigate the exciting stages of entrepreneurship. I'm here to teach you the ropes of building, expanding, and scaling your business, all while achieving remarkable results and boosting your revenue. Let's connect and chat about your business goals. Book a Complimentary Bold Leap call with me today!

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