Author / Chareen Goodman, Business Coach
Young woman using mobile phone at coffee shop

Embrace the AI Revolution to Grow Your Coaching Practice

Excitement and Profit with AI and ChatGPT The current revolution, fueled by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and ChatGPT, is a massive tidal wave of innovation that’s transforming the coaching landscape like never before. As a coach, embracing the AI revolution early on is key to building and growing your dream coaching business. Riding this wave of...Read More
Female coach in headset greeting client while online consultation on laptop by video call at home

Find Your Sweet Spot by Defining Your Coaching & Market Niche

The Intersection of Your Expertise and Your Target Audience As a coach, defining your coaching niche is pretty important if success as a coach is your end game. Your coaching niche is how you differentiate yourself from other coaches who do similar work as you, and it’s how you attract the “just right” clients to...Read More
Young Asian business coach teacher teaches online, works in the office

7 Mistakes Coaches Should Avoid When Managing Their Finances

Running a coaching practice is such an amazing and rewarding profession for so many people. However, managing the finances of a coaching business can be a challenge for many coaches. Without proper financial management, coaches can easily fall into financial traps that can affect their coaching career and personal life. In this post, we’ll discuss...Read More
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