Category / LinkedIn
Is Your LinkedIn Profile Ready to Convert?

Before You Post: Is Your LinkedIn Profile Ready to Convert?

Before you hit that “post” button on LinkedIn, take a moment to reflect on this fundamental question: Is your LinkedIn profile truly ready to convert your ideal future clients? Many coaches and consultants diligently post on LinkedIn, hoping to build authority, attract high-ticket clients, and grow their businesses. Yet, despite their consistent efforts, they see...Read More
Bald mature businessman looking at laptop thinking

Questions Answered About Why Authority Branding on LinkedIn is the Key to High-Ticket Clients

Authority branding is a strategic approach that positions your as a leader in your respective industry or niche. Authority branding goes beyond mere visibility; it’s about establishing a reputation that resonates with your target audience. On LinkedIn, a strong, clear Authority brand is your ticket to attracting the right connections and setting the stage for...Read More
Beautiful business woman working with laptop, sitting at desk near window

The 60-Minute-A-Day LinkedIn Routine: A Time-Efficient Strategy for Sustained Lead Generation

Unlike other social media platforms that often prioritize casual interactions, LinkedIn is designed specifically for professionals seeking to connect, collaborate, and grow their businesses. This is especially true nowadays for high-ticket B2B coaching and consultants. You can position yourself as a thought leader in your field by optimizing your profile, engaging with your network, and...Read More
Businessman with laptop on desk in office thinking

Is Your LinkedIn Profile Costing You Clients?

With LinkedIn playing a huge role in professional networking, it’s essential for us coaches and consultants whose livelihood is based on a growing business, to position ourselves effectively. But all too often, I see talented coaches and consultants post regularly, and build their networks, yet miss out on potential clients simply because their profile isn’t...Read More
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